Desktop Zoomer Documentation
Official documentation Version 1.4
Made By Karidis Anastasios aka TrustFm
- Introduction
- Disclaimer
- Installation
- Execution
- Information panel
- Tray Menu
- Options
- Usage
- Limitations
- Registration and Buy
- Support
- Technical stuff
- About the author
Desktop Zoomer is a screen magnifier.A screen magnifier is software that enlarges the screen content of your computer.
Some features of Desktop Zoomer :
- Portable version.
- Installable version.
- Windows 8 , Windows 7 & Windows Vista compatible.
- 32 and 64 bit versions
- Start at windows startup.
- Show glass at startup.
- Show options when Desktop Zoomer starts up.
- Show information on the glass.
- Multi language support with po files.
- Zoom in and out with 0.1 steps.
- Set lens dimensions (width and height).
- Set lens position (under cursor, fixed position, follow the mouse).
- Full screen lens option with thumbnail preview.
- Set an active zone of the lens (out of the active zone the lens should be inactive).
- Set a quality for your lens.
- Define border width and color for your lens.
- Hide the general mouse cursor.
- Select cursors. (White/yellow/black cursor, White/yellow/black arrow, Cross, Centerless cross, Grid)
- Follow the caret on text editing.
- Set move detection time (ms) and refresh time (ms) in order to limit the CPU usage.
- Effects like : Grayscale, negative, horizontal and vertical flip, brightness, contrast, saturation and the "web designer" glass.
- Take zoomed or original screenshots.
- BMP or JPEG (with compression level from 0 to 100) screenshots format.
- Hotkeys support.
- Create, load, save and delete Desktop Zoomer profiles.
- Multi screen monitor support. (Single PC multi-monitor)
- Chm documentation
Please read the disclaimer before installing Desktop Zoomer.By installing Desktop Zoomer you agree to the following legal disclaimer.
Requirements and Disclaimer :
I [author] do not take any responsibilities for any possible software or hardware damages.
The author is not responsible for any data loss, loss of profits or any other kind of loss while using this application.
Although the author will attempt to find and correct any bugs is under no obligation to provide support, service, corrections, or upgrades to Desktop Zoomer.
Desktop Zoomer is provided as is without any guarantees or warranty.
Use it at your own risk.
License :
Desktop Zoomer is SHAREWARE.
This is a TRIAL version.
That means that you have a full product release that expires after 30 runtimes.
If you are unsatisfied with the trial version there is no reason to buy this product.
After the 30 "free trial" runtimes you should purchase the product from here :
otherwise you must remove it from your computer.
The license is dedicated to physical persons and not on machines.
Some examples :
If you have 3 computers but only you use them, then you need 1 license.
Even if you have 1 computer but this device is being used by 3 different persons you need 3 different (personal) licenses.
This type of license allows you to use your registered copy in "portable" mode on others computers since YOU the OWNER of the license use Desktop Zoomer and no one else.
Usage : With the registered version Desktop Zoomer can be used for personal and commercial purposes.
Distribution : If you want to distribute Desktop Zoomer you have to contact with the author.
Generally for web distribution it is required a "BUY NOW" button and a back link to
For paid distributions under physical supports like CDs, DVDs etc same links are required.
Copy : If you have a registered copy, you can copy for personal and commercial (internal) use the portable and installable version of Desktop Zoomer on other computers.
The only limitation is YOU and only YOU (the owner of the license) can use Desktop Zoomer.
If you have to install or copy Desktop Zoomer on another person's device that wants to use it, you have to buy a new license key for that person.
Commercial use : Only the registered version of Desktop Zoomer can be used for commercial purposes.
Modify : You can not modify the released version.
Use the support link below if you really need this option, (for example : program translation).
Integration : Generally No. The integration with another product should be decided from case to case, for this reason you have to contact with the author.
Documentation :
Support :
The official site of this program is :
Please note that from the version 1.4 Desktop Zoomer is bit system dipendent in "Windows 8 mode".
This means that :
If you have a Windows Vista , Windows 7 or Windows 8 32 bit OS then you should use Desktop Zoomer 32 bit in order to work correctly in "Windows 8 mode".
If you have a Windows Vista , Windows 7 or Windows 8 64 bit OS then you should use Desktop Zoomer 64 bit in order to work correctly in "Windows 8 mode".
Desktop Zoomer has two installers. A portable version and an installable version.Portable Installer :
When you launch by double clicking the portable installer the "Extract to" field (1) shows by default the path where is already located the portable installer.
If you place the portable installer on the "D" directory then by default you will extract Desktop Zoomer at the location "D\DesktopZoomer"
If you want to change the installation (extraction) path then select the "..." button (2)
In the new "Browse for folder" window you can make(1) or confirm(2) an installation folder or cancel(3) the operation.
Once you have selected the installation folder press "Extract" (3)
If you want to cancel the installation press the "Cancel" button (4)
This type of installation is suitable for USB flash devices too.
The portable installer is a simple extractor. You can rename , move or delete the extracted "DesktopZoomer" folder.
By removing the "DesktopZoomer" folder you remove (uninstall) completely Desktop Zoomer from your computer.
Installable Installer :
Double click the "DesktopZoomer_Setup_XX.exe".
Hit the "Next".
Now take some time to read the disclaimer. By hitting "I agree" you agree at the disclaimer.
As "destination folder" you can leave the default value like :
"C:\Program Files (x86)\DesktopZoomer"
If you want to change the installation path then select the "Browse..." button
In the new "Browse for folder" window you can make(1) or confirm(2) an installation folder or cancel(3) the operation.
Now click on the "Install"
Check "Run Desktop Zoomer" if you want to run Desktop Zoomer.
Check "View Desktop Zoomer Documentation" in order to read the documentation.
By hitting "Finish" the installation completes.
If you have made a portable installation in order to run Desktop Zoomer just double click at the "DesktopZoomer.exe" located at the installation path like this one :"D:\DesktopZoomer\"
If you have made an full installation you should have a shortcut on your desktop called "DesktopZoomer".
By double clicking that shortcut you are ready to go.
Also by hitting the windows start button you can find the voice "DesktopZoomer".
By hitting that voice you launch the application
Information panel
The information panel is a reminder window.In the registered version of Desktop Zoomer the information panel does not appear.
In the unregistered version informs you how many "trial" times left.
From that form you can Register, Buy, Go to the official page, "Try" the program and close the window.
By closing the form you select to "try" the application.
By launching Desktop Zoomer you decrease your "trial" run times, there is no way to abort this operation.
Tray Menu
Once you have launched and confirmed a "tryout" or you have registered Desktop Zoomer a magnifier icon should appear in your task bar where the tray icons are located.By clicking the magnifier icon a pop up menu should appear like the photo below.
You get these options :
- Options
From here you get all the options of the program. - Toggle glass
If the lens is closed then open it and if the lens is opened then close it. - Zoom
By clicking it you get a sub menu. Select the zoom factor you desire. - Change profile
You can use the next or the previous program profile. Profiles will be discussed later in this documentation file. - Help
All the official help in one place. - About
The about form informs you about the registration status of Desktop Zoomer. - Register / Buy
Register or Buy Desktop Zoomer - Exit
Closes Desktop Zoomer
Below is the main form of the options :Options panel has the voices :
- Settings
- Help
- About
- Register/Buy Now
The "Settings" form contains all the options of Desktop Zoomer.The "Settings" panel has these sections :
- General
- Glass
- Effects
- Screenshots
- Hotkeys
- Profiles
Start on Windows check box :
By checking this option you start Desktop Zoomer on every windows start up.
Show Glass on Desktop Zoomer start
Every time you launch Desktop Zoomer the lens is switched on.
Notice that on the unregistered version you have to click on "Try..." button and then the lens start.
Show options window on Desktop Zoomer start
Enabling this option shows the Option form on program start.
Show information on glass
This option prints auxiliary messages on the lens.
For example while zooming prints the zoom factor.
Windows 8 mode
This mode works only under Windows Vista , Windows 7 & Windows 8.
This is an alternative method of magnification.
This method is system - bit dependent.
In Windows (Vista,7,8) 32 bit you have to use the DesktopZoomer 32 bit version
In Windows (Vista,7,8) 64 bit you have to use the DesktopZoomer 64 bit version
By using this method :
a) The mirroring effect which happened in the under cursor mode at Windows 8 dissapears.
b) You obtain GPU acceleration and not CPU. (with aero enabled, when this is possible [Windows Vista,7])
c) It is more efficient on Windows 7 & Windows 8
d) You lose some features like the brightess effect and some cursor options.
Desktop Zoomer support multiple languages.
Select your favorite language from here.
Toggle Glass button
If the lens is closed then opens it.
If the lens is opened then close it.
Restore default button
Restores the default values of Desktop Zoomer.
Take a snapshot button
Takes and stores a snapshot of your lens.
Close options button
Closes the options window.
Close Desktop Zoomer
Closes the Desktop Zoomer application.
- Dimension
From here you can set the width and the height of your lens.
Let's see how you can set the increase/decrease step of the lens.
X1 means that the increase/decrease step of the width and height becomes one unit.
So By setting "X1" you resize the width for example from 300 to 301 to 302 and so on on every increase click.
By clicking over "X1" becomes "X10" re clicking becomes "X100" and lastly "X1" again.
- Zoom factor
Define the zoom factor of your lens. The step is 0.1
Minimum zoom factor is 1
Maximum zoom factor is 99.0
- Position
Define the positioning of your lens
1)Under cursor
This option sets the glass under the cursor (mouse).
The minimum distance from border is the distance of pixels where the mouse cursor must be away from the border.
If the minimum distance is not respected then Desktop Zoomer moves the glass when this it is possible.
The glass can be moved when it is within the active zone.
You can enable the full screen mode.
If you enable the full screen mode you can enable the auxiliary thumbnail image (recommended) in order to help you with the positioning.
The thumbnail has a ratio with the original image.
Smaller the thumbnail (bigger the ratio) less CPU is required.
Available ratios are : 3,4,6,8,10,12.
A good choice is 6 (The thumbnail is 6 times smaller that the original desktop dimension).
This mode disables AERO under Windows 7 and Windows Vista (Disables desktop composition).
Disabling aero causes some special windows to not be able to seen like the widgets on the desktop.
This option is the most common option since the lens "follows" the cursor mouse within the active zone of the lens.
2)Fixed position.
Fixes the lens (left,top) into a point.
The minimum distance from border is the distance of pixels where the mouse cursor must be away from the border.
By checking "Do not follow cursor/caret" the lens does not follow the mouse/caret.
Desktop Zoomer will only "project" the original area into the lenses.
In this case the position of original "capture" area can be set using the "Active zone" Top-Left values.
If the option "Never cursor under glass" is checked then the mouse can be moved under the lens.
In this case aero under Windows 7 and Windows Vista will be disabled.
If the option "Never cursor under glass" is NOT checked then the window will be in your fixed position unless the mouse goes under the lens.
If the mouse tries to go under the lens then the lens will move into a neighbour "secure region"( Left, Right, Bottom, Top ).
If the glass dimension are too big and the lens can not be moved into a secure position then a read alert (warning) will show up.
Avoid this warning by enlarging your active zone or by decreasing the lens dimension or by changing the fixed position (a close to border fixed position will always handle bigger lens).
This option leave the aero enabled.
Using this option you can "see" special windows like the widgets on the desktop.
3) Follow the mouse securely
With this option the cursor will always be away from the lens.
You can define the distance between cursor and lens window.
Again if the window is too big a warning should appear.
If you get the warning means that part of the glass will be off active zone. (Could not be positioned all the glass within the active zone)
In that case or you have to enlarge your active zone or decrease the lens dimension or decrease the distance The aero in this case will be enabled.
Enabling "Freeze glass position when you are NOT in active zone" stops magnifying what the cursor points when you ar away of the secure zone.
This option should be checked.
If it is not checked the lens will try to follow the cursor but will always stay within active zone.
- Active zone
The active zone is the rectangular area that the lens can be moved in.
That means that the active zone must be bigger than the lens dimensions.
The "Full screen" is the recommended option.
If you want to define a dedicated active zone just select the "Select range" and then click on the "Change".
Now using the "Select zone" window you can define the zone (Top,Left,Width,Height).
You can move and resize the "Select zone" window for quicker results.
Changing the Top,Left,Width,Height values you can fine tune your active zone.
The "Select zone" window helps you to see visually the area that your lens should be moved in.
Once you done just hit the "Done" button. If you want to abort just close the "Select zone" form.
- Quality
Set up the quality of the lens.
Below are the options that you can select :- Nearest
- Draft
- Linear
- Kernel Box
- Kernel Linear
- Kernel Spline
- Kernel Lanczos
Nearest is the faster one with the lowest quality. You can use it on "full screen" mode or on older computers.
Draft is the recommended setting since it provide good quality using a bit more of CPU than the "nearest" option.
Going deeper on the selections you obtain a better quality using more CPU (resources).
The best quality you can get is by using the "Kernel Lanczos".
More information about spline can be found :
More information about lanczos can be found here :
- Border
Define the border and the border color of the lens.
The border can be from 0 to 30 pixels.
Avoid border 0 for your lens.
The defaults are : Teal color with a border width of 4 pixels.
- Refresh
Detect motion every X milliseconds (ms).
You can set values from 1 ms to 999 ms.
This setting tells to Desktop Zoomer every how many ms can detect motion .
A small value means that the lens will be more fluid (the lens will be repositioned faster, more CPU is needed).
Generally this value uses relatively low CPU usage so a lower value can be set easily. (40-80 ms).
After the 160 ms you can notice that the lens is less responsive (blocky motion).
Render every X milliseconds (ms).
This is the refresh time of the rendered (zoomed) image.
Smaller ms time require higher CPU usage.
You can set values from 1 ms to 999 ms
A good value is something between 40-60 ms.
If you want to translate this value in fps (frames per second) just do the calculation fps=1000/X_milliseconds .
So if you set 40 ms you can get 25fps.
After the 120 ms you can notice that the enlarged mouse pointer will have a slight delay
- Other
In this panel you can set up the cursors and the caret.
- Hide original checkbox : This option hides the original mouse when the lens are on.
Notice that if you select as magnified cursor "None" or "Copy original cursor" you will have no mouse pointer at all.
From the "Show magnified cursor" you can select between these options :
- None : Do not show the magnified cursor
- Copy original cursor : Show enlarged the windows cursor (clone the mouse pointer).
Notice that if it is hidden the original mouse pointer you get an empty enlarged mouse pointer as well.
This option does not have the "size" attribute. - White cursor : Show a white cursor even if the original cursor is hidden.
This option does not have the "size" attribute. - Yellow cursor : Show a yellow cursor even if the original cursor is hidden.
This option does not have the "size" attribute. - Black cursor : Show a black cursor even if the original cursor is hidden.
This option does not have the "size" attribute.
- White arrow : Show a sizable white arrow (The size can be set from the size box located below)
- Yellow arrow : Show a sizable yellow arrow (The size can be set from the size box located below)
- Black arrow : Show a sizable black arrow (The size can be set from the size box located below)
- Cross : A sizable simple cross
- Centerless cross : A sizable cross without center. This allows you to see through the "mouse"
- Grid : A sizable centerless cross plus a grid. The squares are 10x10 pixels.
This option could be useful using it with the "web designer" effect since you can count dimensions.
- Follow caret on text editing.
A caret is a flashing line or block in the window client area that indicates the place where text will be inserted.
Select this option if you do not want that the lens follow the mouse pointer but the caret.
Below is a detailed step by step usage of the follow caret option :
a)Load Desktop Zoomer
b)Load the options (you can use SHIFT + O)
c)Go to "Settings", "Glass"
d)Use the Under cursor positioning.
e)Leave the "Follow caret on text editing" unchecked and close the options form.
f)Use the hotkey "SHIFT + G" in order to load the lens.
g)Lanch a simple text editor like notepad. It is important to launch it after the lens is on.
h)Start writing on notepad.
i)Toggle from follow mouse to follow caret using the hotkey : "SHIFT + Z".
With the same combination you can set again to follow mouse.
- Hide original checkbox : This option hides the original mouse when the lens are on.
Using this panel you can add effects.
The effects can be cascaded.
For example flip vertically and grayscale.
Below are the effects that you can use :
- Grayscale
- Negative
- Flip horizontally
- Flip vertically
- Brightness/Contrast/Saturation
- Web designer glass
By enabling the "Web designer glass" effect you get on the lens screen the R,G,B and HEX color values of the pixel pointed by the mouse.
You also get the exact mouse point position (X,Y) in pixels.
For a better use, you can set the magnified cursor at "Centerless cross" or "Grid" from "Options -> Settings -> Glass -> Other"
Another tip is to set the lens Quality to "Nearest".
Remember that the "Grid" has rectangles of 10x10 pixels and it is also centerless so you can see through the located pixel.
Notice that the colors readings of the "web designer" are not affected by the effects.
Web designer reads the original image colors and not the effected ones.
- Region : Select if you want to "copy the zoomed version" (what you see, with the effects applied, including mouse pointer)
or to just "Copy the original (un zoomed) region" without any effects.
Notice that with the option "Copy the original region" does not print the mouse pointer.
- Format : Select BMP (Windows bitmap) for a lossless screen capture or JPEG as a lossy (compression discarding some data) format.
In the JPEG case you can select the desired quality from 0(less) to 100(better) quality.
A value of 90 is a pretty good choice.
- Flash : When you take a snapshot (SHIFT+S) the border of the lens flash in order
to communicate with you that the snapshot has been taken. A yellow color is always a good choice.
The default flash duration is 50 ms. The duration can be set from 1 to 999 milliseconds.
If you do not want the window to flash at all when you take snapshots just use the same flash color as the border color.
The default border color is the "Teal".
- Output path : Define where your screenshots will be stored.
If the path is empty (default) then your pictures will be located at "DesktopZoomer\Output\Screenshots"
You can change the path using the blue folder button on the right.
A snapshot will have a time formatted name like this :
where YYYY is the year in four digits like 2020
MM is the month in two digits format
DD is the date at two digits format
hh are the hours at two digits format
mm are the minutes at two digits format
ss are the seconds at two digits format.
Below are some valid examples :
Options -> Settings -> Hotkeys
Using this option you can list and change all the short keys of Desktop Zoomer
The default values are :
- Toggle glass : SHIFT + G
- Toggle cursor : SHIFT + C Hide the original mouse cursor
- Toggle follow caret : SHIFT + Z
- Show options dialog : SHIFT + O
- Zoom increase : F1
- Zoome decrease : F2
- Lens width increase : F3
- Lens width decrease : F4
- Lens height increase : F5
- Lens height decrease : F6
- Toggle grayscale : SHIFT + B
- Toggle horizontal flip : SHIFT + H
- Toggle vertical flip : SHIFT + V
- Toggle negative : SHIFT + N
- Toggle web designer : SHIFT + W
- Take snapshot : SHIFT + S
- Load next profile : SHIFT + D
- Load previous profile : SHIFT + A
- Exit : SHIFT + X
For example if you want to change the toggle glass shortkey just press the "edit glass" button.
An "Edit hotkey" window form will appear.
You can select any key combination you want.
You can select between "NONE", "ALT", "CTRL", "SHIFT" and "WIN" as first combination key.
If you want to use single key as hotkey (not recommended) select "NONE" at the first list box.
Notice that by un-checking the "Enable" check box the selected hotkey is disabled. The disabled hotkeys will appear in red color in the hotkeys list.
The "Restore defaults" option seen in the "Options" section restores all the default hotkeys.
Options -> Settings -> Profiles
The Profiles are a list of "Profile"
A Profile is a list of settings that determine the complete status of Desktop Zoomer.
Each profile has a unique name.
The default profile is named "Current".
At the top you can find out which profile you are currently using.
You can create a new profile from the "Create new" panel.
Just use the name that you want.
For example : "GraySmall"
Now press the "New" button.
A new profile called "GraySmall" will be created.
The new profile is created but not loaded, so it can not be changed (and updated) too.
Now, from the "Select panel" we select the "GraySmall" and press "Load".
You will see that the Using profile at the top will indicate the new used profile ("GraySmall")
Now let's start defining our new profile.
Go to Glass->Dimension and set 100 width 100 height for example
Select "Position under cursor" with "full screen" disabled.
"Zoom factor" 2x
Active zone "full screen"
Now on the "Effects" panel activate the grayscale effect
Once done with all the settings you wanted just turn back at the "Profiles"
and hit the "Update" button in order to update (save) your "GraySmall" profile.
Using the same procedure you can make multiple profiles.
You can change them from the "Select" panel (select and then load using the "Load" button)
or you can change them from the Tray menu "Change profile" "next" or "previous"
or by using the hot keys
the defaults are :
Load next profile : SHIFT + D
Load previous profile : SHIFT + A
Notice that the last used profile takes the place of the "Current" profile.
So when you reload the program with the last used profile "GraySmall" again Desktop Zoomer will indicate "Using profile current" since the "GraySmall" IS the current profile.
Of course at the "Select" panel combo box will find all your saved profiles including the "GraySmall".
You can remove all your created profiles except the "Current" profile since it stores the last status of Desktop Zoomer.
If you want to restore Desktop Zoomer just hit the "Restore defaults" button located at the "General" settings.
This will not affect the Profile list.
So if you want to remove all the profiles you have to do it manually as described above.
From this section you can read the full documentation of Desktop Zoomer.
The quick documentation is a fast how to
The offline documentation is the help file included into the Desktop Zoomer
The online documentation is the latest online support
You can find support from the dedicated panel (contact page, email, forum)
In the other panel you can find the "Official page" and the "Download the latest version" options
In this panel you can verify your registration status.
You can also visit our official web page and get the latest Desktop Zoomer version.
Options->Registration/Buy now
Desktop Zoomer is a TRIAL SHAREWARE.
Trial means that you have the full product that expires after 30 test runs.
No features are locked in this version.
If you are unsatisfied with the trial version there is no reason to buy this product.
In order to Buy the program hit the dedicated "Buy" button.
Fill your registrated name and key obtained by your registration and hit the registration button.
By pressing the "Register" button the program closes.
In the next run the program should be registered.
You can confirm that by using the "About" voice.
Notice that you can also buy and register Desktop Zoomer using the "Information panel".
Find out the limitations of this trial version in the "limitations" section below.
Once you launch Desktop Zoomer if you have the unregistered version you will get the "Information panel" then just hit "Try".Now open the tray menu and hit "Options".
Make your settings.
Now you can toggle your glasses and you are ready to go.
You can Zoom in/Out using the hotkeys (defaults are F1,F2).
You can toggle the glass using SHIFT+G and show the options using SHIFT+O .
Remember to close the "Options" panel when you have the lens active.
Desktop Zoomer has these limitations when it is unregistered :- Shows up the "Information panel" form.
- You get only 30 runtimes.
- After a couple of minutes a "Unregister version" message should appear within the lens told by Mistoklas*.
- You can not use it commercially.
- In the about box you get "UNREGISTERED".
*Mistoklas is an imaginary rebetis reminding that you have a Unregister version of Desktop Zoomer.
Registration and Buy
Use this link below in order to purchase your Desktop Zoomer copy
Once paid you will receive your activation key.
Use the "Information panel" in order to register your copy.
Give your name Registration name and insert your personal key.
Hit "Register".
The program closes.
In the next run the program should be registered.
You can confirm that by using the "About" voice.
If you have problems do not hesitate to use the support.
For getting the fastest official support for Desktop Zoomer please proceed with this order :-
Re read the latest online official documentation located here :
If you still cannot find your solution to your problem use our support page
i)Firstly read the FAQ located in the support page
ii)Then use the contact form
iii)If you want to send an attachment or want to use an email client use the email "" with a valid subject.
Emails without subjects will be deleted immediately
iv)Use our forums.
Technical stuff
- Desktop Zoomer is a portable application.
- Does not read/write into the registry.
- No general hooks had been used (external dlls) in order to have a more versatile version
- Desktop Zoomer is lightweight (CPU optimization) since uses sophisticated graphic libraries.
- Pushes GDI into it's limits
- Desktop Zoomer has been tested with success on multi screen monitors. - Desktop Zoomer can be easily translated since it is using po files
- When the magnifying glass is under the mouse Desktop Zoomer disables "aero" under Windows 7 and Vista in order to avoid the annoying infinite reflection effect. If you want the aero enabled then you have to use the "Fixed position" + "Never cursor under glass" or the "Follow the mouse securely" under Options -> Settings -> Glass -> Position.
About the author
I do not like to talk about myself, I only write this information in order to understand the credibility of my product since i am selling it.TrustFm is a life time project by Karydis Anastasios.
I am a software and hardware developer.
Desktop implementations (Win32,Linux,MacOS) are developed using C, C++, CodeBlocks, FreePascal, Turbo delphi, CodeTyphon
web applications using PHP5 with OOP
and Android applications using Android Studio.
Hardware prototyping is developed using Arduino platform and Atmel Studio.
TrustFm location on Google Maps
Some of my works/projects :
Please notice that at and i am collaborating with Ajax G. ,
and at i am collaborating with Riccardo Giuliani.
- Desktop applications
Avi2Dvd AVI to DVD converter
Desktop Zoomer Screen magnifier
NoZip File joiner & splitter with steganography
Foto2Avi Video editor & video slideshow maker
Screen2Avi Screen recorder
Avisub Add subtitles into AVI
Folder2Iso Generate ISO from any folder
Contact Contacts A secure organizer
- Mobile applications
Clicker4Dog Pet training tool
- Web applications (services)
Conversion Center []
Ip locator []
- Embedded applications (micro controllers)
LiquidFiller []
SwitchController []
- Desktop applications
TrustFm / Hardware ( )
Hw2Sw ( )
Selling Digital Products with PayPal ( )
Software and hardware documentation ( )
For metric units :
For free applications :
Video link :