Pdf To Djvu GUI - Documentation

How to use :
1. Just run Pdf To DjVu GUI.
2. Load your PDF files
3. Press the convert button and wait.
4. You are done !

Under Linux you have to install pdf2djvu
Example under Kubuntu (hardy):
Download and install these packages :

Under Linux Mint 15 you can download directly from the software manager the package pdf2djvu.

Now you can use normally the Pdf To DjVu GUI.

Tips/Troubleshooting :
1. The output files are in the same location where PDF files are.
Example :

2. A really nice and free DjVu viewer for Windows is WinDjView
For Linux you can use Evince or Okular or DjView4

3. If you want to uninstall Pdf To DjVu GUI just delete the Pdf To DjVu GUI folder.

4. The convertion is a slow process, so give some time.

5. If the convertion fails check that :
a) The path and the file name of the PDF is simple. Like D:\mybooks\myebook.pdf
b) Use the 'Select pages' option

6. I get font errors when i am converting a PDF [Only valid for the older versions of Pdf to DjVu GUI].
(Couldn't find a font for 'Verdana').
Cygwin does not have all the fonts installed.
Run Cygwin installer again press next and on the packages panel select X11 to expand it and enable these packages :
X 100 dpi fonts,
X Cyrilic fonts,
X font encodings,
X scaleable fonts.

Other packages should auto enable, so leave them enabled.
For a more detailed guide to do this click here

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