1.2 Required knowledge

If you don't want to make huge changes you do not need any kind of web knowledge. With the phrase 'huge changes' we mean structural changes or functional changes of this web solution.

Any decorating changes instead should be really easy to be done by anyone since the e-book will explain to you what code to change (change the value of some attributes) and this will work 100% for your needs. If you want to personalise your website further, then you should learn some HTML - CSS - PHP. This e-book will cover all these three arguments and it will help you learning by examples, so you will learn faster.

Any site now days has at least two parts. The VIEW part and the LOGIC part.
The view part it is the style/design of a webpage and it is covered by the HTML code and the use of CSS. The logic part or the logic of the business is the algorithmic part of the site.
If we had to do a personal site then the VIEW part is the only one needed, but on a selling website this is not the case. A lot of people may think that selling products can be treated like a personal site. This is not true. Hopefully PayPal helps a lot but we still have to interact with PayPal if we want to sell digital products. If we had to sell physical products we could had a view only website since we could log daily on our PayPal account and watch our sells in order to mail physically to the users our products. Notice that selling digital products does not need any physical interaction, the same is not true for selling physical products.

Anyway, i want to make clear to you that even with zero knowledge only by reading this e-book you will have a default site and you can sell your products. Default does not mean bad!

If you are interested learning HTML - CSS - PHP for free then look here : Some of you might ask, why i use these technologies? Why not using Java instead of PHP? The answer to this question is that the PHP servers are cheap and easy to find. You can even find free hosting solutions which are not recommend, but anyway, you have much more solutions. Other than that, PHP is a not proprietary language.

Another question can be that the logic of the business shows 3-tier level when we talked about VIEW and LOGIC. Well the third level is the Data-tier level and this could be done by us but it is done by PayPal too! PayPal records all your transactions all your clients etc... so for a simple start site we can simply say hey!... the third level is done by PayPal for us.

In simpler cases we can afford to not have to use databases using text files instead. Infact we will see an example which uses text log files so you can see which person (ip address) downloaded which digital product and when.

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